
Database construction is a multi-part process of constructing the tables for the information (usually in an spreadsheet or XML file), determining the best way to allow people to search the information and display results, then using software to build the database. The examples below were done using Caspio.

Crop reports- The Mid-Valley area is heavily agricultural, so the annual crop reports county agricultural commissioners prepare for the state can give insight into the area’s economic health. This database compiled years of agricultural information into one searchable location.

Click here to view the crop report database.

Unemployment rates- Along with agriculture, the Mid-Valley is also known for regularly having one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation. The state Economic Development Department has monthly county-by-county unemployment rates going back to 1990. Along with displaying search results in a table, this database also displays the information in graph form, allowing county unemployment levels to be compared against the statewide unemployment level.

Click here to view the unemployment database

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